IFI/VEX Response

Wait, what if the person who wrote this also was a person involved in the harassment and other bad things and just wrote this so the could try to clear their name.

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My brother in Christ you are doubling down on a one-way ticket to Hell.

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This disappointment of a response sounds like it was written by an upset, drunk 6-year-old. Whoever wrote this needs to be gone from their job. This is outrageous to the vex AND First community, and many more. Fix it.

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What’s that supposed to mean…?

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this response was very disappointing and absolute bs I can not even begin to state my anger here with this reponce.

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You are under heavy ABUSE allegations, and you give us a generic pastebin corporate response.
i- no, we expected something hearfelt and you shove us with the “We aren’t perfect” excuse.
honestly, i don’t know how this was under the covers for so long.

Hope you’re happy
add more kindling to the fire, see what that does.

This is ActiVision on steroids.

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You’d think they’d be a little more careful anyway, considering that these are, as you put it, heavy abuse allegations, in an environment literally full of middle schoolers and high schoolers. It’s like Vex asked an AI to make their response, and it took the prompt as “Come up with the worse response possible.”

They better come up with something good because they are gonna have one hell of a job recovering after this one.

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well said mi amigo.

yes they are really just digging a bigger hole for themselves in a flash flood

At this point, i’m waiting for the tax evasion + monopolizing + discrimination + any other offense you could imagine, because nothing would suprise me at this rate.

they pretty much have a monopoly on grade school robotics alongside FIRST

then again, who gives FRC contenders their parts?

most schools cant really afford FRC stuff that’s why they go with vex and Vrc. So that they can have their students still learn about robotics without having to pay so much for supplies. like my school…

The only downside to the pfp boycott is that you can’t immediately tell who’s typing lol

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yea… too many pepole with same one gets a little bit confusing

They do have a monopoly on middle school, high school is with FIRST. I’m not sure what you mean by grade school because of me being dumb.

Them having a monopoly in Middle school robotics though is frieghtening, and as many more mention, a signle FIRST teams can cost up to 45k a year, my school barely gets 3k in funding.

grade school = K-12
though it’s mostly 6-12 for robotics cause 3-5 do IQ
hold on a minute…
Vex owns IQ.

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yes you have a point that’s why most teams and schools will have no other choice to keep buying from vex for new parts or to just use what they already have but for new programs starting this is a lot harder to get the funding for stuff like Frc that’s why FRC is for more 6A schools that are in bigger cities that can afford It

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First LEGO league competes with IQ, which is good, but it is also FIRST so there is nothing.

Because if I am correct from what I have seen, FIRST robotics also has afilliation with IFI, correct?

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Literally every post here has gotten about 2 likes and well thought out ones get far more. Vex literally has 3 likes at the moment. The sincere and brutal ratio is incredible.

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