IFI/VEX Response

By no means are we attempting to minimize an individual’s experience, but we are at a loss to understand why several employees who left our company as far back as 2016 would suddenly decide to begin posting negative comments now. We operate in an intensely competitive environment and attacks on social media/user forums have proven to be an effective way of tortiously interfering with someone’s business. The normal responses to this type of activity, such as litigation, are ineffective because of the time and cost involved and the inability for the truth to catch up with misinformation/disinformation.

Our company has an internal Human Resources Department and written policies regarding issues such as sexual harassment, intimidation or retaliation. Multiple women hold senior leadership roles throughout our organization, in addition to a diverse and inclusive global workforce.

Since its inception in 1999, we have employed more than 850 employees and interns. During this time our company has never been the subject of a complaint or litigation regarding these issues and has never been the subject of a complaint to the EEOC regarding sexual harassment. Additionally, we have no record of internal complaints by the employees who have been posting on these forums regarding their time with the company which ended years ago.

Any company, individual or organization can become the subject of an unfair or inaccurate attack on social media or these user forums. The attackers have no real fear of retribution and there is no third-party fact checking concerning their posts.
No organization is perfect, and we are certainly making every effort to ensure that our employees are aware of our policies and have multiple avenues to raise concerns.

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THIS is what you guys have to say? Words cannot describe how disappointed I am.


in case it wasn’t clear, this is the exact thing we as a community are trying to achieve. interfering with a business built on harassment and misconduct is usually the right thing to do, no matter when allegations were made public.


Cant be. Has the title “official”. Titles can only be given out to regulars of by the mods. Also, the account has regular status and no posts. Would have to be a hacker if it is a troll.




This response is horrific. You need to take responsibility for the problems in your company. Denying these clearly credible claims and gaslighting the brave people that have come forwards is despicable.


oh my god. i am out of likes but this picture sums up the entire situation. this is how our community controlled by a duopoly(RECF/IFI) is represented. there’s nothing to even do anymore. the company at the center of it is openly insubordinate and evasive. wouldn’t surprise me if tony wrote the OP.


Whatever PR firm wrote this, fire them immediately. They’re horrible.


Truly one of the worst corporate responses to a scandal of all time


As a guy who has been doing VRC and IQ for a while now, trusting VEX and IFI. I am disheartened after reading this response.


Huh, I wonder why?

Seriously, have you guys read any of the allegations against you?


I am extremely disponed with this response, there have been so many comments and stories from former IFI/VEX employees and all you have to say is that they are fake and that you have “policies” against them and that you have multiple women working at your company. This is a very bad response to a lot of comments and stories. I am very ashamed by this response and I hope whomever wrote this gets fired from their position.

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Are you talking about @VEX_Robotics response or my responce?

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The accusations against you specifically allege THAT YOUR HR DEPARTMENT IS COMPLICIT. Are you people daft?!??!


Good grief vex. Y’all shot yourself in the foot here. And then worked your way up to shooting yourself in the lungs. I don’t have words.

Is it too much to ask for for some competition products?!
A decent company to run and produce them?!
And for a not exorbitant price?

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I can not voice my anger with words that are allowed on this fourm. I am incredibly disappointed in this response.

I just can’t. Calling the brave people speaking up “attackers”, disregarding their story. AND ITS MORE THAN ONE STORY BACKED UP BY MANY PEOPLE THATS WHAT FACT CHECKING IS!!!

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These accusations are not “cancel culture” of any sorts, which is what you imply with your statement. These are backed up with REAL INFO that you can not simply just call it false information.

Please VEX, apologize and fix your mistakes.

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Ah yes because there is policies against sexual harassments and you have women employed that completely negates everything that has been said. Many of the stuff involved young women who were in college and High school. But it is all good because you guys have policies against it so that means it can’t possible happen right? This holds the same energy as people who says racism in America can’t possible be a thing because we elected Barack Obama. weird analogy but that is what came to my head. I knew nothing you guys can say would make up for what has come to light but jesus you guys really made the worst possible response to this. Great work

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This is frankly ridiculous. I was totally expecting a typical PR response, but this a whole new level of trash. And you guys have the audacity to straight up say that this is all some consiracy to destroy VEX. Dissapointing on so many levels.

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absolutely disgusting, what more is there to say?