What is something you wish you knew before your first tournament?

How important skills is. I literally ignored it during a good part of my freshman year, and then when I found out during the end of the season that skills could qualify you for worlds, I tried getting runs in. However, at the state tournament, because we had no practice with skills, and a really thrown-together auton, we made mistakes, and fell a few spots shy of making it.

I would also say how important having something autonomous-wise that can help get a win point is. We didn’t get a single program ready before our first tournament, and I felt so bad when we ended up in quals with really good teams and pretty much prevented them from getting a win point.

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Then there’s no difference to wearing your shoes in the field or not, since yo socks are on the floor :skull:


The issue with shoes on the field isn’t the dirt so much as the leaving impressions on the tiles


I would disagree, one freashman wont take his shose off and we have to clean our flexwheels after 5 mins. I don’t see any impressions in the floor either.

I believe that it’s because shoe soles are much stiffer and more likely to damage the tiles

Dirt is a big problem, and our flex wheels look like a cat peed on it, then somebody rubbed hair and dirt on them. Nobody ever takes there shoes off except for me :sob:

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I make my team take them off and there’s a guy who refuses to ever enter the field because of it.

Bring more than 2 batteries to the tournament.


also, have more than 2 batterys

Id reccomend doing your best to program your autons BEFORE competition day…


Preferably a while before, giving you enough time to make sure they’re still working by the time of the comp. My team has made many autons that worked the night before, only to fail miserably once we were at the competition.


driver practice is uh… pretty important lol


Adding on to this, practice under defence is crucial.

A 6m drive roller bot can do serious damage to an unexperienced defense driver


I wish I knew I was going to have the flu, so I would’ve done the journal (printing out online one and putting it in physical) before hand.

I threw up twice while doing it, sorry if I got any judges at Tiger Town fall sick.

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If you have a larger team then be prepared to stand up for most if not the whole tournament while you are at your pits. Maybe this is just a local thing but we only get two chairs per table (two teams per table).

drink caffeine so you DON’T pass-out in the pits


I wish I knew beforehand that I wouldn’t really get along with my first teammates from my first season…


That the Indiana robotics scene is full of insanely good teams