What are some tools, excluding ones from Vex, y'all think are necessary?

They’re not bad. I usually use a ball end for most things just out of convenience unless I need a longer driver shaft or I want to make absolutely sure that the screw doesn’t move.


Got this thing last season.

Not as cheap and reliable as that classic Ryobi but has a few bonuses:

  • mad small
  • charges via microUSB so don’t need to carry extra chargers
  • the 6000 mAh battery (not a lie) can also be used as a phone (controller) charger
  • flashlight (silly bonus I guess)
    Quality/origin are questionable but it lasted us an entire season. Forgetting to use it before a match, that’s topic for another time.
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I just got this yesterday, and (with one day of experience) this electric screwdriver is a steal for $15, and has USB-C charging. It is significantly thicker than yours though.


A square and 4 baking scales. Never underestimate the difference a properly balanced and squared robot makes


9 posts were split to a new topic: Cantilevered Wheels

This one is a life saver too, definitely not as thin, but has enough torque and battery life to put together an entire field wall and game elements and then some.

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Scissors. Scissors for zipties.


For hard to reach places I prefer to use these https://www.grainger.com/product/52JT38?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7bucBhCeARIsAIOwr–fRoSGvacw6Gr_UB-FZefmlQob-UjRUczRM0mlV9Kc5IR0v6hSre0aAsTVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

and for places that you can use them a cable tie gun like this is the way to go https://www.amazon.com/Electriduct-Cutting-Fastening-Adjustable-Tension/dp/B00B52NYNM?th=1``

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