Cursed Images

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Bros been spinning for longer than human civilization (13,500,000 years)

3000W on an 11W motor goes hard :raised_hands:


Edit: If you know how to fix this, please DM me.

Edit 2: We tried using a vise grip, and it looks straight, but has trouble retracting and extending. Filing it didn’t seem to work either. I appreciate the help, but it seems irreparable at this point.

It’s bent so hard I thought it was tubing at first.
Usually people say you can’t salvage that, but you could try putting it in a vice grip. (Use 1 to hold the cylinder and a second to bend it back)


Once you’ve done that though you’ll probably have nicked the piston, so you’ll probably have to file any nicks down so it’s smooth again or else it still wont move back and forth smoothly.

Also please mount it in a way where this wont happen again!!!


still getting notifications about this a week later for some reason

Love the new Oppenheimer theme

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Love the recursion


Infinity mirror Oppenheimer version?


Chain reaction is real, we all are doomed :skull_and_crossbones:

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It’s all over, we all are dead. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

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said who?


They say it’s a bad omen when clouds don’t align and sun hides its face during the day…

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Let’s not repeat the Gru era…

Robot busted my hand today

Did something similar earlier in the season whilst running skills
It was after this that I decided to invest in a pair of gloves

When the season is over and you get bored.


Now that’s a flex!

Most cursed juvenile 9motorgang