Spin up meta? Continuation

This is a continuation of Sooo, SPIN UP META IS...? 😮 - VRC > Spin Up (22/23) - VEX Forum

I still like hearing what other people think will win worlds, or be the best this season.
Debate over flywheel vs cata, or any endgame mechanism, etc. Even what drivetrain you think is best.

-This post is approved by Flywheel Gang

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Slingshot is the best. Able to make both long range shots that don’t bounce out of the high goal and fill the goal up close.

Might be some leaks coming soon.


Now personally, slingshot is pretty cool, but we all know trebuchets are the meta.

Trebuchets are so powerful, you can fire from anywhere on the field, and assault people in the stands!!
The had it figured out in medieval times.

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Based on my observations at the Speedway Sig, the biggest issue with catapults currently is that everyone is terrified of them. This leads people to play extreme defense against catapults which essentially makes it impossible for them to get an opportunity to shoot. I think catapults would be more meta than flywheels if this wasn’t the case because being able to fill up the goal will be very important late season.


I say flywheels will be best because they are reliable and they don’t have rubber bands to break like a catapult/slingshot

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You can use pneumatic tubing instead so it does not break or get weaker over time also it really just depends on how good your driver is if both robots are good


slingshots are really good from what I’ve seen, however, the winding time is slower compared to catas and especially flywheels.

Its not as bad as you would think. Ours has a wind up time of about 2 seconds. By the team I turn to get a discs, drive to the discs, intake it, and move the discs up the conveyor. The slingshot is already down. Maybe I will notice it once I get better at driving, but I don’t think it is that big of an issue. Also, I have some ideas with pneumatics to help speed up the pullback time that I will probably implement later in the season.


If you use high quality rubber bands and don’t have them stretched over any sharp corners of anything or over-stretch them then rubber bands can last for a long time and will practically never break.


I firmly believe the meta is going to be all 3 types of designs, each one with certain advantages and disadvantages. Which ever is going to work best for you is going to be the one that you invest the most time into understanding and testing. I personly am sticking to a flywheel right now because if i stick to a singal system and get that system down really well then its can be great, just like another design.

Also because I want to build a turret still that shoots while driving and that works best with flywheel.


I believe turret isn’t the most pratical thing you can do. One, turret is incredibly hard to tune even with vision sensors. 2. Most people just shoot at the line. 3. You have to add more weight + use a motor for the turret.


Turrets are not really that hard to tune code wise. Physically turrets are difficult to tune, especially the intake feeding into the turret. It isn’t difficult to tune the vision sensor and is easy if you know how to do it. The main problems with the vision sensor is background objects.

Most people shoot at the line is not a good argument against a turret. With a working turret autoaim you can shoot from other shooting positions giving you an advantage as your alliance can shoot from there instead of you. In addition it is much harder to play defense against a turret as pushing it out of alignment with the goal is not an issue

Losing a motor is a downside but if a team really cares about 6m drive they can use a ratchet, differential, or PTO. Extra weight isn’t a huge downside compared to all the benefits.
(I am building a turret)
Edit: meant to post this in the turret thread


Is there video of your slingshot that is something I would like to see


They will be own our youtube channel when we post them. We have a tournament December 17th being live streamed so you can expect some leaks before them.