Personal VEX Team Quotes

Final Day

“Go through gosh darn it you… SON OF A BISCUIT” - Me trying to stick a LS axle through a sprocket .

“What are the odds the brain white-screened right as we were about to go on” “Even money considering last week” “Yep even money”


“ How are we supposed to find anything in this mess” “I know where everything is so we are good” “ That’s not the point of organizing”


wow I have an entire note pad on all of them here are the best

Racons are always crippled

The bathroom music is scaring me

I am running off hopes dream a crunch bar cheese and code red Mountain Dew

I forbid timmie to live

The math starts to break when people who don’t intended to blow up planes bring bombs

Fire plus fire equals bigger fire


“It should work theoretically”

-the person who build a robot with no screws, just zipties


“We ripped apart the robot”

-One of the seniors on my team this season via email, while I’m out of State

What happened while I was gone?! :scream:


“if you stick the thing in the thing then you have a robot”

insert strange look from the coach


This happened today at my last day of summer practice:

Me and one of my other freshman teammates celebrating after we finally got our drivetrain to go over the center barrier through the second iteration: “Yay! Let’s go! It works!”

Goes over to one of our senior teammates and tells him that we fixed the problem: “Okay!” (nods of approval-he’s usually a quiet person so really no surprise.)

Goes over to another senior teammate, the same one who said that he ripped apart the robot: “Nah, let’s just rip it apart, that would be a much better option.”

My mind: NOOOOOOO!!! (With more O’s and exclamation marks, of course) We just solved the issue!

Coach: “I give you full permission to bring him back to his senses.”


“Publix is a government conspiracy” - Teammate

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“I’m gonna do something stupid but it’ll work.”
Proceeds to get up and walk towards the power saw

-Member from one of our sister teams

(Me, announcing to a teammate)
“I’m about to do something dangerous, wanna help?”

“Sure why not”

I grab the Angle Grinder and the entire intake

“Master has given Dobby a Glock”

-Same sister team member as before


“The more you learn, the more you Lamborghini”


“I bet I know more about the civil war than you.”

“Oh yeah? What was the invasion of North Africa called?”

-Regular argument between one member of my team and one member from another team

SkillsUSA (Our parent organization): “No limits!”

Our publicist: “Engi-nearing our limits”


some of the more sane quotes from my team:

my teammate when our sibling team tried to take some parts: “This has turned into a communism, we need to rebel, we need to rebel!” – he was talking to our mentor…

the same teammate: “That’s, like, eternal suffering for 20 bucks.”

we are also at the point that our main coder, main builder, and foundation of our team is not allowed to touch our controller without supervision because she’s broken our robot/nearly driven it off the table far too many times.

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Until it’s screwed it’s for all to use.

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I was helping out my sister’s middle school team at States when this happened. Funniest part of my day by far.

5th graders walk up to their mentor, who is a high schooler that I sort of know
Mentor: Do you have anything you need to fix before your next match?
5th grader: The robot wasn’t working, but then [kid’s name] touched it with his hand and it started working again
Mentor: I really don’t think that’s what happened.
5th grader: But it was!

5th graders walk away laughing and disappear to lord-knows-where. Mentor looks confused.


“I am judge, jury, and executioner. I am the parts whisperer.”

-Me, after being the only one to organize our parts room and everyone messes up the organization